Aroma Oil Neroli 10 ml
Sugandh Vyapar Neroli 10 ml
Add a few drops of Essential Oil to a diffuser or oil burner to promote relaxation and relieve stress. They are excellent at filling a room with fragrance, but their benefits are even greater. The most basic criteria are minimizing unpleasant odors. Tension, worry, and stress in the mind and body are relieved.
Used in Oil Burner/Aroma Lamps. Fill the cup of aroma lamps with water and add 2-3 drops of the oil and place a tealight candle at the base for a pleasing aromatic experience
Method: Place a tealight candle at the base of the unit. Fill the top cup of the lamp with water and 2-3 drops of aromatic essential oil/perfume concentrate
Net Qty: 10 ml
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